There shall be a Planning Commission which shall have the powers conferred upon such commission by general law with the exceptions set forth in this Charter. In addition, the Planning Commission shall be responsible for maintaining and amending the Comprehensive Master Plan and shall be responsible for the planning and advising of urban redevelopment.
The Commission shall be composed of seven members. Five of them shall be electors residing in the Municipality appointed by Council. They shall hold no other public office. Council is allowed the option of one of the five being a non-resident employee or owner of a business within the Municipality. The remaining two members shall be members of Council elected by Council. All members shall have the power to vote.
Council may appoint a secretary to the Commission to serve at the discretion of Council.
The terms of the members shall be as follows: The five electors appointed hereinafter shall serve for five years from the date of the appointment; the present members shall each complete the four year terms to which they were appointed except that the Council shall extend one of the terms due to expire on November 30, 1983 to November 30, 1984; one elector shall be appointed for a full term each year; the Council Members shall serve for the terms of their office.
(Amend. Ord. No. 16-1980, approved by voters 11-4-80)
There shall be no compensation for members of the Commission. The Commission shall adopt rules for conduct of its business and elect its own officers annually. Any vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term by Council. A quorum shall be considered four members but approval of any recommendations must be by a majority of all members. The Planning Commission shall be a continuing body.
A recommendation of the Planning Commission shall be approved, modified, amended or revoked only upon a majority vote of all members of Council. Council may, by two-thirds vote of all its members, overrule the action of any governmental body overruling any action or recommendation of the Planning Commission.
(Amend. Ord. 53-75, approved by voters 11-4-75)