The Finance Commissioner shall prepare a budget proposal for the next fiscal year in the following form and detail:
   (A)   The ad valorem tax rate shall be stated in cents per $100 of assessed valuation.
   (B)   The amount of revenue anticipated from each of the following sources shall be stated in total dollars:
      (1)   Taxes and special assessments;
      (2)   Licenses and permits;
      (3)   Fines, forfeits and other penalties;
      (4)   Rental and interest income;
      (5)   Charges for current services;
      (6)   Sales and compensation for loss of fixed assets;
      (7)   Federal grants and receipts from other agencies;
      (8)   Bond proceeds;
      (9)   Transfers from other funds.
   (C)   Expenditures shall be listed in total dollars by the following categories:
      (1)   General government;
      (2)   Public safety;
      (3)   Streets and public works;
      (4)   Sanitation and waste removal;
      (5)   Health;
      (6)   Welfare;
      (7)   Culture and recreation;
      (8)   Debt service;
      (9)   Reserve for contingencies.
   (D)   Revenue sharing receipts and expenditures shall be listed separately.
('81 Code, § 220.1, § 3)