Rental dwellings shall not be occupied without a valid certificate of compliance or a valid temporary certificate of compliance.
(A) Validity of certificate of compliance. A certificate of compliance shall be valid for five years for all rental dwellings, unless suspended or revoked as set forth below.
(B) Expiration of certificate of compliance. Certificates of compliance may not be extended beyond their expiration dates except as may be permitted in division (A) above.
(C) Revocation. A certificate of compliance may be revoked subsequent to its issuance by the building inspector upon findings that a rental dwelling fails to comply with this chapter and/or for repeated violations of the code of ordinances or other applicable laws and regulations.
(D) Appeal. Any person aggrieved by certificate revocation under division (C) above may appeal such action to the City Council. Enforcement of such revocation shall be stayed while the appeal is pending before the Council.
(E) Transfer prohibited. No certificate issued under this chapter shall be transferred without the written consent of the city.
(Ord. 2011-3, passed 8-8-11)