This district is intended to provide areas for activities and uses of a heavy industrial character and is the least restrictive of any district. In the best interest of the City, certain uses in the HI District shall be subject to final Board of Adjustment approval, conditional approval, or denial to insure that proper safeguards are taken. No residential uses are permitted.
   1.   Permitted Uses. There may be any use, excluding residential uses and mobile homes. The following uses must be given separate City Board of Adjustment approval before a zoning/building permit is issued.
      A.   Acid manufacture.
      B.   Cement, lime, gypsum, or plaster of paris manufacture.
      C.   Distillation of bones.
      D.   Explosive manufacture or storage.
      E.   Fat rendering.
      F.   Fertilizer manufacture.
      G.   Gas manufacture.
      H.   Garbage, offal, or dead animals, reduction or dumping.
      I.   Glue manufacture.
      J.   Petroleum, or its products, refining of.
      K.   Smelting of tin, copper, zinc, or iron ores.
      L.   Stockyards or slaughter of animals.
      M.   Junk yards. Must be surrounded by a solid fence at least six (6) feet high located within building lines and the junk piled not higher than the fence.
      N.   Solar Farms
(Ord. 780 – May 18 Supp.)
Before granting such separate approval, the Board of Adjustment shall refer applications to the Commission for study, investigation and report. If no report is received in thirty (30) days, the Board of Adjustment may assume approval of the application.
   2.   Board of Adjustment. The Board of Adjustment shall then after holding a public hearing consider all of the following provisions in its determination upon the particular use at the location requested:
      A.   The proposed location, design, construction, and operation of the particular use adequately safeguards the health, safety and general welfare of persons residing or working in adjoining or surrounding property.
      B.   Such use shall not impair an adequate supply of light and air to surrounding property.
      C.   Such use shall not unduly increase congestion in the streets, or public danger of fire and safety.
      D.   Such use shall not diminish or impair established property values in adjoining or surrounding property.
      E.   Such use shall be in accord with the intent, purpose and spirit of this chapter and the Comprehensive Plan of the City.
   3.   Required Conditions.
      A.   The best practical means known for the disposal of refuse matter or water-carried waste, the abatement of obnoxious or offensive odor, dust, smoke, gas, noise or similar nuisance shall be employed and shall be subject to all State and Federal regulations.
      B.   All principal buildings and all accessory buildings or structures, including loading and unloading facilities, shall be located at least 100 feet from any “R” District boundary, except where adjoining a railroad right-of-way, and 50 feet from any commercial boundary.
   4.   Accessory Uses. Uses of land or structures customarily incidental and subordinate to a permitted use in the HI District.
      A.   Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to a permitted use.
      B.   Living quarters for watchmen or custodians of industrial properties.
   5.   Bulk Regulations. The following requirements shall provide for light and air around permitted uses and buildings in the HI District.
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Width
Minimum Front Yard
Minimum Side Yard
Minimum Rear Yard
Building Height
25 feet
None, except when adjacent to an “RS” / “RM” District, 100 feet, and 50 feet when adjacent to “C” District
30 feet, unless bordering a railroad right-of-way, in which case, 5 feet
4 stories or 60 feet
   6.   Off-Street Parking. The following off-street parking requirements shall apply in the HI District.
      A.   All commercial uses shall provide one parking space on the lot for each 300 square feet of floor area.
      B.   All industrial uses shall provide one parking space on the lot for each two employees of maximum number employed at any one time.
   7.   Off-Street Loading. The following off-street loading requirements shall apply in the HI District:
      A.   All activities or uses allowed in the HI District shall be provided with adequate receiving facilities accessible by motor vehicle off any adjacent service drive or open space on the same zoning lot.
      B.   Loading shall not be permitted to block public right-of-way.
   8.   Signs. The following sign regulations shall apply to the HI District:
      A.   Off-premises signs are permitted.
      B.   Off-premises signs shall comply with the setbacks of the Districts they are located in. Other bulk regulations do not apply.
      C.   No sign may be lighted in a manner which impairs the vision of the driver of any motor vehicle.
      D.   No sign may obstruct the view of any highway or railroad so as to render dangerous the use of the highway.
      E.   No sign may imitate or resemble an official traffic control sign, signal or device.
      F.   Signs shall not encroach or extend over public right-of-way.
      G.   No sign may obscure or physically interfere with an official traffic control sign, signal or device.
      H.   No advertisement or advertising structure shall be posted, erected or maintained which simulates any official, directional or warning sign erected or maintained by the State, County, City or other governmental subdivision or which incorporates or makes use of lights simulating or resembling traffic signals or control signs.
      I.   No advertisement shall be posted or maintained on rocks, fences, trees, or other perennial plants, or on poles maintained by public utilities.
      J.   All signs must comply with the provisions of Section 165.37(17) of the Supplementary District Regulations.