This district is intended to provide for a variety of single-family and two-family residential areas where public utilities and services are available and to encourage a suitable living environment through the promotion of public health, safety and welfare. Low and medium population density neighborhoods are recognized and provided for. Criteria such as topography, soil types, access, traffic load on streets, schools, utilities, recreation and other public facilities shall be taken into consideration when the lot area requirement is established for the various single-family residential areas of the City.
   1.   Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted in the RS District:
      A.   Single-family detached dwellings.
      B.   Two-family dwellings.
      C.   Family homes.
      D.   Home occupations.
   2.   Accessory Uses. Uses of land or structure customarily incidental and subordinate to a permitted use in the RS District:
      A.   Private garages.
      B.   The keeping or raising of pigs, sheep, goats, cattle or horses is prohibited. The raising and keeping of other animals and fowl are prohibited on a commercial basis.
      C.   Private recreational facilities. Private swimming pools shall have a non-climbable fence of at least 6 feet in height and be secured against public access.
      D.   Temporary buildings for uses incidental to construction work. Such buildings shall be removed upon the completion or abandonment of the construction work.
   3.   Special Exceptions. Certain uses may be permitted in the RS District subject to specific conditions and requirements intended to make them compatible with and acceptable to adjacent uses.
      A.   Nursery schools.
      B.   Public or private utility substations, relay stations, etc.
      C.   Churches.
      D.   Publicly owned and operated buildings and facilities.
      E.   Senior high schools, elementary, junior high schools, colleges, universities, institutions of higher learning and equivalent private and parochial schools.
      F.   Golf courses but not miniature courses or separate driving tees.
      G.   Bed and breakfast houses.
      H.   Hospitals.
      I.   Home occupations in accessory buildings.
      J.   Satellite dishes. Satellite dish antennas, either permanent or temporary, are considered as accessory buildings. When the dish is attached to a main building or other structure, the owner must adhere to the Uniform Building Code. No satellite dish shall exceed a diameter of 12 feet except for commercial use.
      K.   Retail Nurseries.
      L.   Solar Farms    (Ord. 780 – May 18 Supp.)
   4.   Bulk Regulations. The following requirements shall provide for light and air around permitted residential uses and buildings in the RS District:
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Width
Minimum Front Yard
Minimum Side Yard
Minimum Rear Yard
Maximum Height (the lesser of)
6,000 square feet*
50 feet
20 feet
6 feet
20 feet
2½ stories or 35 feet
* Where public sewer facilities are not available, not less than one acre of lot area is required.
   5.   Off-Street Parking. The following off-street parking requirements shall apply in the RS District:
      A.   Dwellings – two parking spaces on the lot for each living unit in the building. For dwellings not consisting of living units: two parking spaces on the lot for each 2,000 square feet of floor area.
      B.   Churches – one parking space within 400 feet of the lot for each five seats in the main auditorium.
      C.   Public buildings and facilities – one parking space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area or one parking space for each five seats in the main assembly area.
      D.   Elementary, junior high and equivalent private or parochial schools – one parking space for each classroom and office plus one parking space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area in the auditorium or gymnasium.
      E.   Senior high schools and equivalent private or parochial schools – one parking space for each employee and one parking space for each ten students.
      F.   Colleges, universities, institutions of higher learning, and equivalent private or parochial schools – one parking space for each employee and one parking space for each five students.
      G.   Public buildings and facilities – one parking space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area.
      H.   Nursery schools – one parking space per employee.
   6.   Off-Street Loading. The following off-street loading requirements shall apply in the RS District:
      A.   All activities or uses allowed in the RS District shall be provided with adequate receiving facilities accessible by motor vehicle off any adjacent service drive or open space on the same zoning lot.
      B.   Loading shall not be permitted to block public right-of-way.
   7.   Signs. The following sign regulations shall apply to the RS District:
      A.   Off-premises signs, except real estate or political signs, are not permitted.
      B.   No sign may be lighted in a manner which impairs the vision of the driver of any motor vehicle.
      C.   No sign may obstruct the view of any highway or railroad so as to render dangerous the use of the highway.
      D.   No sign may imitate or resemble an official traffic control sign, signal or device.
      E.   Signs shall not encroach or extend over public right-of-way.
      F.   No sign may obscure or physically interfere with an official traffic control sign, signal or device.
      G.   No advertisement or advertising structure shall be posted, erected or maintained which simulates any official, directional or warning sign erected or maintained by the State, County, City or other governmental subdivision or which incorporates or makes use of lights simulating or resembling traffic signals or control signs.
      H.   No advertisement shall be posted or maintained on rocks, fences, trees, or other perennial plants, or on poles maintained by public utilities.
      I.   All signs must comply with the provisions of Section 165.37(17) of the Supplementary District Regulations.