The Board of Commissioners has approved the Development Plan guidelines for public works projects that are within 100 feet of a known cemetery or burial ground, as described below.
   (A)   The Development Plan will consist of the following elements:
      (1)   Description of the nature of the public works project;
      (2)   Estimated time frame for construction of project;
      (3)   Description of the location by section, township, and range;
      (4)   Construction plans for the proposed area, including:
         (a)   Depth of construction, excavating, grading, or filling;
         (b)   Description of soils that are present; and
         (c)   Description of type of construction to take place.
      (5)   Location of cemetery or known burial grounds using a USGS seven and one-half-minute quadrangle map;
      (6)   Name of the cemetery;
      (7)   Deed reference, if available, for cemetery or burial ground; and
      (8)   Photos of the current condition of cemetery or burial ground.
   (B)   If a project discovers or disturbs a cemetery or burial ground, the unit will follow the guidelines set forth in I.C. 14-21-1-29, which is stated in division (C) below.
   (C)   The person who discovers, uncovers, or moves an artifact or burial object while disturbing the ground for a purpose other than the discovery, uncovering, or moving of artifacts or burial objects shall do the following:
      (1)   Immediately cease disturbing the ground and the area within 100 feet of the artifact or burial object; and
      (2)   Notify the State Department of Natural Resources within two business days after the time of the disturbance.
   (D)   The county will follow I.C. 23-14-57 in regards to the treatment of any discovered, uncovered, or disturbed remains found in the course of a project.
(Ord. 2013-XI, passed 8-6-2013)