(A) The placing of permanent plant materials, including trees, shrubs and ground covers, shall not be permitted on cemetery avenues, walks, alleys and roads, and if so placed, shall be removed by the town.
(B) The planting of permanent plant materials shall adhere to the following approved plant list which is taken from the Low Water Using Plant List Pinal Active Management Area.
(1) The criteria used in determining plants appropriate for the cemetery were:
(a) Low water usage plants; and
(b) Root systems of plants will not be detrimental to grave sites. For this reason, no trees are approved for grave plot site planting.
(2) For additional information about these plants, consult either of the following books. Both are at the public library.
(a) Plants for Dry Climates by Mary Rose Duffield and Warren D. Jones.
(b) Sunset New Western Garden Book by the editors of Sunset Books and Sunset Magazine, Lane Publishing Co., Menlo Park, California.
(3) When marked with an asterisk (*), only this specific species or variety can be used.
(a) Shrubs.
Botanical Name | Common Name | Plant Height (Feet) |
Botanical Name | Common Name | Plant Height (Feet) |
Acacia decora * | Acacia/Wattle | 8 |
Aloysia triphylla * | Lemon Verbena | 6 |
Ambrosia deltoidea | Triangleleaf Bur-sage | |
Ambrosia dumosa | White Bur-sage | |
Atriplex spp. | Saltbrush | 8 |
Baccharis spp. | Desert Broom | 7 |
Berberis haematocarpa * | Red Barberry | |
Buddleia spp. | Summer Lilac | 10 |
Caesalpinia spp. | Bird of Paradise | 10 |
Calliandra spp. | Fairy Duster | 8 |
Callistemon phoeniceus * | Salt Resistant Bottlebrush | |
Callistemon Viminalis “Captain Cook”* | Dwarf Bottlebrush | 5 |
Calothamnus spp. | Net Bush | 8 |
Cassia | Cassia/Senna | |
Cassia | ||
-alata | 10 | |
-artemisioides | 5 | |
-bicapsularis | 10 | |
-corymbosa | 10 | |
-didymobotrya | 10 | |
-splendida | 12 | |
-sturtii | 6 | |
-surattensis | 8 | |
-tomentosa | 8 | |
Chrysothamnus nauseosus | Rabbit Brush | |
Cistus spp. | Rockrose | 5 |
Convolvulus cneorum | Bush Morning Glory | 4 |
Cordia boissieri | Texas Olive | 15 |
Cordia parvifolia | Little Leaf Cordia | 10 |
Botanical Name | Common Name | Plant Height (Feet) |
Botanical Name | Common Name | Plant Height (Feet) |
Dalea spinosa | Smoke Tree | 12 |
Dodonaea viscosa | Hop Bush | 15 |
Encelia farinosa | Brittlebush | 3 |
Ephedra spp. | Mormon Tree | |
Eremaea beaufortioides | Erema | |
Eremaea pauciflora | Snow Gum | |
Eremaea violacea | Violet Eremea | |
Erogonum spp. | Buckwheat | 4 |
Foresiera neomexicana | Desert Olive | 8 |
Genista hispanica * | Spanish Broom | 2 |
Grevillea rosmarinifolia * | Rosemary | |
Haplopappus laricifolia | Turpentine Bush | |
Hyptis emoryi | Desert Lavender | |
Jatropha spp. | ||
Juniperus chinesis varieties * | Juniper | 8 |
Justicia spp. | Shrimp Plant | 4 |
Kunzea spp. | ||
Lantana camera | Bush Lantana | 6 |
Larrea tridentata | Creosote Bush | 8 |
Leucophyllum frutescenes | Texas Ranger | 10 |
Lycium spp. | ||
Mimosa biuncifera | Wait A Minute Bush | |
Mimosa dysocarpa | Velvet Pad Mimosa | |
Nerium oleander * | Oleander/dwarf varieties only | |
-“Petite Pink” * | 3 | |
-“Petite Salmon” * | 3 | |
-“Algiers” * | 4 | |
-“Casablanca” * | 4
| |
Botanical Name | Common Name | Plant Height (Feet) |
Botanical Name | Common Name | Plant Height (Feet) |
Plumbago auriculata | Cape Plumbago | 6 |
Puncia granatum | Pomegranate | 12 |
Rhus ovata * | Mountain Laurel | 10 |
Rhus trilobata * | Skunkbush | 5 |
Rhus virens * | Evergreen Sumac | 6 |
Rosmarinus officinalis | Rosemary | 4 |
Ruellia califirnica | Reullia | |
Ruellia peninsularis | Reulla | 3 |
Salvia spp. | Sage | 5 |
Sececio cineraria (Senecia) | Dusty Miller | |
Simmondsia chinensis | Jojoba | 6 |
Sophora spp. | Texas Mountain Laurel | 15 |
Tecoma stans | Yellow Bells | 6 |
Teucrium spp. | Bush Germander | 6 |
Vauquelinia californica | Rosewood | 15
(b) Succulents.
Botanical Name
Common Name |
Aloe spp. | Aloe |
Dasylirion wheeleri | Desert Spoon |
Hesperaloe parvifloria | Red Yucca |
Nolina spp. | Bear Grass |
(c) Annuals and/or perennials.
Botanical Name
Common Name |
Botanical Name
Common Name |
Abronia villosa | Sand Verbena |
Artotis spp. | African Daisy |
Argemone pleicantha | Prickly Poppy |
Baeria chrysostoma | Goldfield |
Bahia absinthifolia | Bahia, Desert Daisy |
Baileya multiradiata | Desert Marigold |
Cassia covesii | Cassia |
Catharanthus roseus cultivars | Madagascar Periwinkle |
Celosia spp. | Cockscomb |
Cosomos spp. | Cosmos |
Dimorphotheca spp. | African Daisy |
Dyssodia pentachaeta | Dyssodia |
Eschscholzia californica | California Poppy |
Eschscholzia mexicana | Mexican Gold Poppy |
Gilia leptantha | Showy Blue Gilia |
Gomphrena globosa | Globe Amaranth |
Botanical Name
Common Name |
Botanical Name
Common Name |
Helichrysum bracteatum | Everlasting Daisy |
Helipterum spp. | |
Kallstoremia grandifloria | Arizona Poppy |
Layia playtyglossa | Tidy Tpis |
Lesquerella gordoni | Gold Crucifer |
Linaria spp. | Toadflax |
Lupinus densiflorus | Lupine |
Lupinus sparsiflorus | |
Matricaria grandiflora | Pineapple Weed |
Melampodium leucanthum | Blackfoot Daisy |
Mentzelia spp. | Blazing Star |
Orthocarpus purpurascens | Owls Clover |
Pectis papposa | Chinch Weed |
Penstemon spp. | Beard Tongue |
Phacelia spp. | |
Tagetes spp. | Marigold |
Ursinia spp. | Ursinia
(Prior Code, Ch. 16, Art. IV, § 16-145) (Ord. 130, passed 2-5-1990)