The following activities shall not be conducted on park property unless authorized by permit:
(A) Playing an audio device, use a public address device or any device to amplify music;
(B) Operation of a motor vehicle of any type, including, but not limited to, automobiles, motorcycles, motorbikes, except on roads or parking areas designated for that purpose;
(C) Leaving personal property unattended for more than four hours;
(D) Carrying, possessing or discharging a bow and arrow, dart, firearm, knife with a blade of more than three inches in length or other dangerous weapons. Law enforcement officers acting within their authority shall be exempt;
(E) Flying or launching powered model airplanes or rockets;
(F) Cutting or sawing any live or dead trees or their parts with any type of equipment, power or otherwise, or remove any live or dead trees;
(G) No signs, notices, decorations or objects of any kind shall be attached to, located on or painted on any part of park property;
(H) Conducting or soliciting of any business, trade or occupation;
(I) Enclosure of any area or erection of any structures;
(J) Planting of vegetation or causing vegetation to be planted;
(K) Digging into the surface of park property;
(L) Horseback riding; law enforcement officers acting with their authority shall be exempt;
(M) Roller-skating, skateboards and bicycling in areas so posted; and
(N) Use of any portion of a park for golfing purposes, or make use of any golf clubs or golf balls.
(Prior Code, Ch. 13, Art. I, § 13-9) (Ord. 359-03, passed 12-15-2003)