(A) The Mayor shall vote as a member of the Council.
(B) All members of the Council in attendance at a duly called meeting that requires formal Council action must vote, unless the issue involves the conduct of that Council member or a matter in which that Council member has declared a conflict of interest. In all other cases, a failure to vote shall be recorded as an affirmative vote.
(C) Any member of the Council who voted with the majority may move for reconsideration of any action at the same or next available Council meeting. After a motion for reconsideration has once been acted upon, no other motion for reconsideration thereof shall be made without the unanimous consent of the Council.
(D) On a tie vote, a motion requiring a majority vote for adoption is a lost motion. When all members of Council are present, a tie vote on whether to grant an appeal from official action shall be considered a denial of the appeal, unless the Council takes other action to further consider the matter.
(Prior Code, Ch. 2, Art. II, § 2-48) (Ord. 381-05, passed 5-16-2005; Ord. 707-21, passed 12-6-2021)
Statutory reference:
Similar provisions, see A.R.S. § 9-234
In addition to other acts required by law or by specific provision in the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Florence, those acts of the town shall be by ordinance that:
(A) Adopt, amend, or repeal another ordinance or Town Code or establish, alter or abolish any town department, office or agency;
(B) Provide for a fine or penalty or establish rules or regulations for violation of which a fine or other penalty is imposed;
(C) Levy any tax or assessment; and/or
(D) Sell real public property.
(Ord. 639-15, passed 9-21-2015; Ord. 687-20, passed 2-3-2020; Ord. 707-21, passed 12-6-2021)