No permit for the construction of any sewer or water line shall be issued by the Water and Sewer Commission until the following action by the party seeking the permit is taken.
   (A)   A written application on forms to be provided by the Water and Sewer Commission and signed by the person, firm, or corporation seeking the permit shall be submitted to the Water and Sewer Commission.
   (B)   This application shall be accompanied by the following:
      (1)   A subdivision plat of the subdivision in which the water or sewer line is to be constructed, the plats showing thereon the signed approval of the City Planning Commission.
      (2)   A set of plans of the proposed sewer lines, showing plan and profile of the proposed sewer line and location of all manholes, lampholes, connections to existing sewer lines, and easements for rights-of-way, where required.
      (3)   A set of plans of the water lines showing plan and profile of the proposed water line and location of all valves, fireplugs, fittings, and easements for rights-of-way, where required.
      (4)   Designed computations showing performance of the proposed water and sewer lines with current regulations of the Water and Sewer Commission.
      (5)   A written certificate signed by an engineer licensed to practice in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, stating that the design of the water and sewer lines meets or exceeds the requirements of the current regulations of the Water and Sewer Commission.
(Ord. O-171-63, passed 12-17-63)