§ 91.60 LICENSING.
   (A)   The owners of all dogs or those who harbor or maintain such animals in the city, shall license and register their dog(s) with Animal Control, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and the applicable Kentucky Revised Statute. Licenses shall be issued by Animal Control at the animal shelter during regular operating hours. Upon payment, the owner shall be issued a certificate of registration and a license tag. Dog license tags must be attached to the dogs collar and worn by the dog at all times.
   (B)   Any humane society which operates a fixed site in the county and takes in stray or unwanted animals shall apply for a license with Animal Control. The site shall be inspected prior to annual license renewal.
(Ord. O-4-86, passed 2-11-86; Am. Ord. O-30-88, passed 11-8-88; Am. Ord. O-14-10, passed 12-14-10) Penalty, see § 91.99
   All dogs, cats, and ferrets, four months of age and older, shall be vaccinated for rabies and re-vaccinated for rabies at the expiration of the immunization period as certified by a veterinarian.
(Ord. O-4-86, passed 2-11-86; Am. Ord. O-30-88, passed 11-8-88; Am. Ord. O-14-10, passed 12-14-10) Penalty, see § 91.99
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   "OWNER." Any person, firm, corporation, organization or department possessing or harboring or having the care or custody of an animal.
   "UNCONFINED VICIOUS ANIMAL." A vicious animal is "unconfined" if the animal is not securely confined indoors or confined in a securely enclosed and locked pen or structure upon the premises of the owner of the animal. The pen or structure must have secure sides and a secure top attached to the sides. If the pen or structure has no bottom secured to the sides, the sides must be embedded into the ground no less than one foot. All such pens or structures must be adequately lighted and kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
      (1)   Any animal with a known propensity, tendency or disposition to attack unprovoked, to cause injury to, or otherwise threaten the safety of human beings or domestic animal; or
      (2)   Any animal which, without provocation, attacks or bites, or has attacked or bitten, a human being or domestic animal; or
      (3)   Any animal owned or harbored primarily or in part for the purpose of animal fighting, or any animal trained for animal fighting.
(Ord. O-50-87, passed 1-12-88)
   The owner of a vicious animal shall not suffer or permit the animal to go unconfined.
(Ord. O-50-87, passed 1-12-88) Penalty, see § 91.99
   The owner of a vicious animal shall not suffer or permit the animal to go beyond the premises of the owner unless the animal is securely muzzled and restrained by a chain or leash, and under the physical restraint of a person. The muzzle shall be made in a manner that will not cause injury to the animal or interfere with its vision or respiration, but shall prevent it from biting any human or animal.
(Ord. O-50-87, passed 1-12-88) Penalty, see § 91.99
§ 91.78 SIGNS.
   The owner of a vicious animal shall display in a prominent place on his or her premises a clearly visible warning sign indicating that there is a vicious animal on the premises. A similar sign is required to be posted on the pen or kennel of the animal.
(Ord. O-50-87, passed 1-12-88) Penalty, see § 91.99
§ 91.79 INSURANCE.
   Owners of vicious animals must, within 30 days of the effective date of Ordinance 0-50-87, provide proof to the City Clerk of public liability insurance in the amount of at least $25,000. insuring the owner for any personal injuries inflicted by his or her vicious animal.
(Ord. O-50-87, passed 1-12-88) Penalty, see § 91.99
   In addition to the definitions provided in § 91.01, the following definition shall apply to the provisions of this subchapter, unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   "OWNER AND OPERATOR." Any person, group of persons, partnership, or any entity owning or operating a commercial animal establishment.
(Ord. O-14-10, passed 12-14-10)
   (A)   All commercial animal establishments shall obtain and maintain a valid commercial animal establishment license in order to operate a commercial animal establishment within the county.
   (B)   The commercial animal establishment licenses shall be issued by the Director of Animal Control.
   (C)   The commercial animal establishment license shall be valid for a period of one year, effective July 1 through June 30 of each year.
   (D)   The commercial animal establishment license shall be renewed annually.
(Ord. O-14-10, passed 12-14-10)
   (A)   All commercial animal establishments shall provide an adequate environment for each animal which is compatible with the general health and welfare of the animal.
   (B)   All commercial animal establishments shall provide adequate space for each animal. Each cage or enclosure shall be large enough for the animal to stand, sit, lie and turn around without touching the walls or ceiling of the cage or enclosure, or other animal.
   (C)   All commercial animal establishments shall provide adequate sanitation. Each cage or enclosure shall be maintained as follows:
      (1)   Cages or enclosures containing dogs or cats, of any age, shall be cleaned with hot water, disinfectant and detergent daily (including holidays), or more if conditions require additional cleaning or disinfecting to keep animals out of contact with feces or urine. Litter boxes shall be cleaned daily (including holidays) and the litter changed as needed.
      (2)   Cages or enclosures containing birds shall contain a perch and shall be cleaned with hot water and disinfectant at least twice weekly or more if conditions require additional cleaning.
      (3)   Cages or enclosures containing small animals shall be cleaned with hot water and disinfectant at least twice weekly or more if conditions require additional cleaning.
   (D)   All commercial animal establishments shall provide adequate nourishment and water for each animal as follows:
      (1)   Each animal shall be given fresh food and water daily, including holidays.
      (2)   Soft food shall be available to those animals unable to chew standard dry food.
      (3)   Potable water shall be available to each animal at all times.
      (4)   Food and water containers shall be washed and disinfected daily.
   (E)   All commercial animal establishments shall provide proper medical treatment from a veterinarian for sick or injured animals.
   (F)   All commercial animal establishments shall provide an adequate room (cage) temperature for the general health and welfare of the animal.
   (G)   All commercial animal establishments shall provide for general cleanliness of the establishment, and shall not permit an insect or rodent infestation.
(Ord. O-14-10, passed 12-14-10)
   The Director of Animal Control or any Animal Control Officer shall be permitted and empowered to make an inspection of any commercial animal establishment within the county, and shall further be permitted to take photographs of commercial animal establishments during the inspection. The inspection shall take place upon the verbal request of the Director of Animal Control or any Animal Control Officer, during regular business hours of the commercial animal establishment.
(Ord. O-14-10, passed 12-14-10)