(A)   Pursuant to K.R.S. 91A.510 the Storm Drainage Service Charges (the "Service Charges"), imposed herein are designated as user fees. The following Service Charges are hereby established and imposed for all parcels of real property within the city, excluding exempted property. These charges are calculated according to the methods, formulae and data contained in the "City of Florence Storm Water Utility Implementation Plan" (the "Implementation Plan") prepared by GRW Engineers, Inc., dated August 28, 1990, which is incorporated herein by reference.
   (B)   Class A Properties or Single Family Residential. The single family residential charge rate shall be $3.50 per month for each parcel having one or two residential dwelling unit(s). This flat rate fee is based on each single family residential parcel being equal to one equivalent service unit (ESU).
   (C)   Class B or Other Parcels. The charge for all other parcels within the drainage service area shall be based upon the number of square feet of measured impervious surface, as determined in the “Implementation Plan”. The charge for Class B properties shall be computed by multiplying the number of ESUs for a given parcel by the unit rate of $3.50 per month. Any owner of Class B property may request a drainage charge credit adjustment for approved on-site storm water retention or detention facilities as hereinafter provided.
   (D)   To the extent the credit is approved, it will be applied by reducing the number of billable ESUs by the percent of reduction in storm water runoff due to the on-site facilities. The net billable ESUs after the credit is applied shall be expressed in whole ESUs by rounding to the next highest ESU, and the adjusted drainage service charge shall not be less than 15% of the drainage service charge before the credit adjustment.
   (E)   The city may establish fees for the review and approval of plans or designs of drainage facilities, and for the inspection of the construction of drainage facilities, and may establish policies for the sharing of the costs of developing regional drainage systems serving multiple development/properties.
   (F)   Billing and Collection. Drainage service charges shall be billed and made payable using the same frequencies and billing cycles used for water and sanitary sewer billing. The amounts to be billed shall be included as additions to the billings.
   (G)   The owners, tenants or persons responsible for the payment of water and sanitary sewer charges shall also be responsible for the payment of Service Charges for the same parcels except for multiple occupancy such as shopping centers, apartments, condominiums, and the like, in which cases the Public Services Department may either allocate the Service Charges among the occupants of the parcel or may deem that a single billing to the parcel's owner(s), agent, or association is appropriate. In either case, the billed party shall be responsible for payment of Service Charges. For properties not billed for water and sanitary sewer service, the owners of the properties shall be billed service charges and shall be responsible for payment of same. In all situations, the owners of properties subject to Service Charges shall be fully responsible for payment of the charges regardless of any other parties hereinabove identified as also being responsible for payment of drainage service charges.
(Ord. 0-27-92, passed 9-22-92; Am. Ord. O-10-01, passed 6-26-01; Am. Ord. O-09-03, passed 5-13-03; Am. Ord. O-20-03, passed 9-2-03; Am. Ord. O-4-07, passed 3-6-07; Am. Ord. O-4-19, passed 1-29-19)