(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a taxicab in the Town of Fletcher without first having the same inspected by the taxicab inspector and found to be in compliance with this chapter, the state’s vehicle safety inspection requirements and are capable of providing safe and sanitary transportation. The taxicab inspector shall require reasonable inspection of each cab operated in the town no less than every 6 months, or at any other time deemed appropriate by the Chief of Police.
   (B)   If, after inspection, any vehicle is found to be unsafe, unsanitary or does not conform to this chapter, the taxicab inspector shall give written notice to the owner, and the vehicle shall not thereafter be operated as a taxicab until the taxicab inspector determines upon reinspection that the vehicle has been placed back into safe and sanitary condition.
(Ord. O-04-10, passed 10-11-2004)