(A)   All persons subject to this chapter shall be required to subscribe, and shall be conclusively presumed to have subscribed, to the city solid waste collection service and pay the applicable charge therefor.
   (B)   Commercial, institutional or industrial operators shall be presumed to have subscribed to the city collection service unless they have elected in writing to utilize in-house waste collection and disposal or use a private waste collection and disposal service and have so notified the Streets and Sanitation Department Supervisor.
   (C)   In any event, without excusing any person from any criminal penalty under this chapter, if any non-hazardous solid waste, trash, garbage, or refuse of any kind is allowed to accumulate anywhere within the city for such a period of time as to constitute a nuisance, even though not a subscriber to the city’s collection service under the terms of this chapter, shall each be presumed to have authorized the city to remove the non-hazardous solid waste, trash, garbage or other refuse and shall each be responsible to the city for the payment of the city’s reasonable charges for collecting and hauling the refuse, which shall not in any event be less than the monthly charge shown on the then currently effective schedule of charges, for performing similar service.
(Ord. 5-91-1, passed 5-20-91)