(A)   If the city's designee determines that any requirement of this chapter has been violated, the city's designee who qualifies as a code enforcement officer pursuant to KRS 65.8805(4) shall issue a citation to the owner of the rental unit. Said citation may be served by any of the following methods:
      (1)   Personal service to the alleged violator;
      (2)   Leaving a copy of the citation with any person eighteen (18) years of age or older who is on the premises, if the alleged violator is not on the premises at the time the citation is issued;
      (3)   Mailing a copy of the citation by regular first-class mail to the last known recorded mailing address of the alleged violator; or
      (4)   If, in the exercise of reasonable diligence, the issuance of a citation using the methods set out in divisions (A) to (C) of this section is not possible, then the citation is properly served by posting a copy of the citation in a conspicuous place on the premises.
   (B)   Whenever a citation is issued, the city's designee shall also cause a notice to the tenant(s) to be prominently posted on the rental unit indicating that the tenant(s) may be required to vacate the rental unit if compliance is not established. No person other than the city's designee may remove the notice posted on the rental unit.
   (C)   When a rental unit is condemned, any rental unit permit issued regarding the condemned rental unit is automatically revoked.
(Ord. 10-23-1, passed 10-9-23) Penalty, see § 150.99