(A)   In any rental unit where an infestation of bed bugs is found or suspected, it is the responsibility of the landlord to:
      (1)   Provide pest control services by a pest management professional as many times as necessary to totally eliminate the bed bug infestation; and
      (2)   Maintain a written record of the pest control measures performed by the pest management professional on the rental unit and receipts and reports prepared by the pest management professional which record shall be open to inspection by the Codes Enforcement Officer and employees of the Fleming County Health Department.
   (B)   In any multiple rental units, building where an infestation of bed bugs is found or suspected, it is the responsibility of the landlord to:
      (1)   Provide pest control services by a pest management professional as many times as necessary to totally eliminate the bed bug infestation within the building or portion thereof, including the individual rental unit; and
      (2)   Maintain a written record of the pest control measures performed by the pest management professional on the building and receipts and reports prepared by the pest management professional which record shall be open to inspection by the Codes Enforcement Officer and employees of the Fleming County Health Department.
   (C)   The extermination of bed bugs shall be by:
      (1)   Inspection, and if necessary the treatment of the two dwelling units on either side of the infested dwelling units and the two units directly above and below the affected dwelling unit. This pattern of inspection and treatment shall be continued until no further infestation is detected; or
      (2)   Any other method approved by the Codes Enforcement Officer and Fleming County Health Department.
(Ord. 12-13-01, passed 12-9-13)