(A)   Issuance of permits. Permits issued on the basis of plans and applications approved by the Administrative Official authorize only the use, arrangement, and construction set forth in such approved plans and applications. Other use, arrangement, or construction at variance with that authorized shall be deemed violation of this chapter and punishable as provided by § 155.999.
   (B)   Expiration of use permit. If the work desired in any use permit has not begun within 90 days from the date of issuance thereof, said permit shall expire; it shall be canceled by the Administrative Official, and written notice thereof shall be given to the persons affected. If the work described in any use permit has not been substantially completed within one year of the date of issuance thereof, said permit shall expire and be canceled by the Administrative Official, and written notice thereof shall be given to the persons affected along with notice that further work as described in the canceled permit shall not proceed unless and until a new permit has been obtained.
(Ord. passed - - 2006) Penalty, see § 155.999