The following uses and structures shall be permitted in the HC, Highway Commercial District:
(A) Horticulture and the raising of field crops;
(B) Garages, repair shops, and service stations;
(C) On-site signs;
(D) Utility substations;
(E) Wholesale or retail sales of: lumber and other building or construction materials, farm equipment, and farm and garden supplies; manufactured homes and trailers; fuel, marine crafts, motor vehicles, and automobile equipment; drugs, chemicals, and all allied products; dry goods and apparel; groceries, ice, and related products; electrical goods, hardware, and plumbing and heating equipment and supplies; machinery equipment and supplies; beer, wine, and distilled alcoholic beverages; paper and paper products; furniture and home furnishings; firearm equipment and supplies; and eating establishments;
(F) General farm products, other than animals, household goods, and equipment maintenance;
(G) Mortuaries;
(H) Contract construction services;
(I) Off-site signs;
(J) Truck or bus terminals;
(K) Wholesale merchandising or storage warehouse;
(L) Hotels and/or motels;
(M) Car washes provided that their operative machinery is within an enclosed structure and adequate drainage is provided;
(N) Offices; and
(O) Finance, insurance, and real estate services.
(Ord. passed - - 2006)