Any person, firm, corporation, or other business entity desiring to engage in pilot flight training at the Flandreau Municipal Airport shall, as a minimum, provide the following.
   (A)   Building. The person, firm, corporation, or other business entity desiring to engage in pilot flight training at the Flandreau Municipal Airport shall lease or construct a building at the Flandreau Municipal Airport which will provide at least 400 square feet of properly lighted and heated space for an office, a briefing room, and restrooms. The building shall comply with all local building codes and OSHA regulations.
(Prior Code, §
   (B)   Personnel. The person, firm, corporation, or other business entity desiring to engage in pilot flight training at the Flandreau Municipal Airport shall employ personnel that are properly certified by the Federal Aviation Administration, FAA, as flight instructors in order to cover the type of training offered.
(Prior Code, §
   (C)   Aircraft. All aircraft used in pilot flight training at the Flandreau Municipal Airport must be airworthy, properly licensed, and insured for flight instruction.
(Prior Code, §
(Ord. 586, passed 1-15-2018)