(A)   The city will issue a desirable species list for tree planting in the city. The list will contain a minimum of ten species in order to provide a diversity of tree types.
(Prior Code, § 14.3.2)
   (B)   The following list breaks down desirable tree species by size and location:
      (1)   Street.
         (a)   Small trees. Flowering Crabapple, Canada Red Cherry, Serviceberry, and Showy Mountain Ash; and
         (b)   Medium trees. Ohio Buckeye, European Mountain Ash, Littleleaf Linden, and Greenspire.
      (2)   Parks and other areas.
         (a)   Small trees. Hawthorn, Russian Olive, Apricot, Apple, Plum, and Pear;
         (b)   Medium trees. Amur Cork Trees, May Day Tree, Black Cherry, and Horse Chestnut; and
         (c)   Large trees. Northern Catalpa, Black Walnut, Kentucky Coffee Tree, European Larch, Ponderosa Pine, Blue Spruce, Black Hill Spruce, Scotch Pine, and Austrian Pine.
(Prior Code, § 14.3.13)