Application for such permit shall be made to the City Finance Officer who shall secure the approval of the Supervisor of Streets before issuing any such permit. Such application shall be accompanied by a fee of $5, which amount shall be considered compensation to the city for the granting of such permit and the necessary investigation prior thereto. In addition to the hereinbefore described fee, the applicant shall deposit with the City Finance Officer not less that $25 or such larger sum as deemed necessary by the Supervisor of Streets to insure the replacement and refilling of any such excavation. In lieu of such deposit, a bond for the same purpose in the amount of $500, to be approved by the City Council, may be given covering all excavations for the year for which such bond is given. Before any such permit is issued, the person requiring the same shall state in his or her application therefor where such excavation is to be made, the extent therefor, in front of what lot or lots, for what purpose said excavation is to be made, and whether or not such person has a bond on file with the City Finance Officer for making such excavation. If such applicant has not filed such bond, then before a permit shall be issued, such applicant shall furnish a bond or make the deposit as above provided with the City Finance Officer as a guarantee for the proper refilling of and guarding of such trenches and excavations while in the course of excavating or refilling and the maintenance of the same in good condition for one year thereafter.
(Prior Code, § 8.8.2)