(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person, except a public officer or specially appointed officer in the discharge of his or her duty or at the direction or with permission of any such officer as hereafter provided, to discharge or fire any firearm, air rifle, slingshot, or other dangerous weapon within the city limits or on any property owned by the city. The chief law enforcement officer for the city may grant permission in writing to any resident of the city to discharge or fire any gun, air rifle, slingshot, or other dangerous weapon within the limits of or on any property owned by the city upon showing of a necessity for doing so provided that such discharge is upon the resident’s leased or owned property.
   (B)   There shall be two exceptions to division (A) above.
      (1)   The operation of a trap range is permitted on city-owned property that is leased to the Moody County Sportsman Club or to its successor, if any.
      (2)   Archery hunting is permitted on city-owned land with permission of the city or of a tenant of the city.
(Prior Code, § 7.1.5) Penalty, see § 130.99