For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   DRIVER. One who actually engages in the driving of a taxicab.
   OPERATOR. A person engaged in operating a taxicab business.
   SEATING CAPACITY. The number of persons, not including the driver, who can be conveniently seated in a taxicab without crowding.
   TAXICAB. A motor vehicle that carries up to seven passengers, does not travel in any definite prescribed route, is operated by a driver, and carries or accepts passengers for hire. The term TAXICAB shall not include funeral cars or ambulances.
   TAXIMETER. An instrument or device attached to a taxicab and designed or intended to measure mechanically the distance traveled by such taxicab, to record the time such taxicab is in waiting, and to indicate upon such record, by figures or designs, the fare to be charged in dollars and cents.
   WHEELCHAIR TRANSPORT. Subject to the same rules and regulations as taxicabs, except as otherwise provided, a motor vehicle for carrying passengers using a wheelchair and their accompanying guests:
      (1)   With a seating capacity for seven persons or less, not including the driver;
      (2)   Not traveling any definite or prescribed route;
      (3)   Operated by driver;
      (4)   Carrying or accepting passengers using a wheelchair and their accompanying guests for hire; and
      (5)   Shall not include funeral cars or ambulances.
(Prior Code, Ch. 18.1)