The following rules and regulations shall be with reference to all cemetery property owned, managed, or controlled by the city, and the same may be embodied as conditions in the conveyance of lots in said cemetery, to purchasers thereof, to-wit.
   (A)   All graves shall be held subject to the laws of the state relating to cemeteries and shall not be used for any purposes other than as a place for burial of deceased human beings.
   (B)   The general public will be allowed access to the grounds at all times during daylight hours upon observing the rules that are or may be adopted for the regulation of visitors.
   (C)   The Mayor, attested to by the City Administrator, shall sign all lot conveyances.
   (D)   The cemetery is divided into parcels of land measuring 16 feet wide by 14 feet long and, henceforth, referred to as lots. Each lot consists of four adult graves measuring four feet wide by ten feet long. On the eastern border of each ten-feet-long adult grave is an additional space of four feet by four feet that may be used for either a single infant burial or the interment of cremated remains. Unless consented to by the Council, no more than one deceased human being may be buried in an individual adult grave nor more than one infant or cremated remains be interred in the four-feet-by-four-feet space along the eastern border of the adult grave.
   (E)   Owners shall not allow interment to be made in their lots for remuneration nor shall any transfer or assignment of the use of any lot or of any interest therein be valid without the consent in writing of the City Council.
   (F)   No sign indicating that a lot, vault, or tomb is for sale will be permitted in or on the grounds.
   (G)   Disinterment shall be allowed provided all state laws governing disinterment have been complied with.
   (H)   The Council reserves the right to lay out or alter the avenues or walks or make such rules and regulations for the government of the grounds as they may deem appropriate.
   (I)   The owner of each lot may erect any proper stones, monument, or sepulchral structures thereon except that no vault shall be built entirely or partially above ground without permission of the Council. All monuments and all parts of vaults above ground shall be cut stone, granite, marble, cement or bronze.
   (J)   All adult graves in the west addition of the cemetery shall have headstones placed on the west border of the adult grave. Infant burials or interred cremated remains within the four feet by four feet space abutting the adult grave shall have headstones that are flush with the ground.
   (K)   If any monument, effigy, enclosure, structure, or inscription be placed in or upon any lot which shall be determined by the Council to be offensive or improper or injurious to the appearance of the surrounding lots or grounds, it shall have the right and duty to have removed the said offensive or improper object.
   (L)   All corner stones, if installed, must be flush with the ground.
   (M)   Lot enclosures of any kind whatever are prohibited.
   (N)   The owner of each lot may cultivate existing trees, shrubs, and plants in the same, but no trees growing within the lot or border shall be cut down or destroyed without the consent of the Council.
   (O)   If any trees or shrubs situated in any lot, by means of their roots or branches, become detrimental to the adjacent lots or avenues or unsafe, unsightly, or inconvenient for visitors, the Council shall have the right and duty to provide for the removal of said trees and shrubs or such parts thereof as they shall determine to be detrimental, unsafe, unsightly, or inconvenient.
   (P)   Pets, whether or not leashed or otherwise restrained, are not permitted in the cemetery at any time.
   (Q)   Responsibility for headstone maintenance and repair shall be borne by the decedent’s family. In the event that a headstone becomes damaged and the decedent’s family cannot be located, the Council shall take such action as it deems necessary to repair the damaged headstone, but each instance of headstone damage that necessitates repair will be reviewed by the Council on a case-by-case basis.
   (R)   No burying of any kind shall be permitted within the cemetery without being overseen by at least one of the following: the Mayor, the City Administrator, or the Cemetery Advisor.
(Prior Code, § 10.2.2) (Ord. 543, passed - -; Ord. 579, passed - -) Penalty, see § 10.99