§ 110.027 RENEWAL.
   (A)   Any licensee may apply for renewal of his or her license at the expiration thereof, provided that such licensee is then qualified to receive a license and the premises for which such renewal license is sought are suitable for the purpose; provided further, that the opportunity to apply for renewal shall not be construed as a vested right which shall in any case prevent the President and Board of Trustees from decreasing the number of licenses to be issued within the village or to be issued within the village within any class.
   (B)   All applications for renewal and payment of the annual license fee shall be submitted to the Village Clerk not later than April 1 of each year. There shall be no charge for a renewal application, unless there is a material change in the applicant’s circumstances, including the designation of a new manager.
   (C)   If any licensee, except a Class “D” license, shall cease the operation of the licensed premises, including the serving of liquor, under the terms of his or her license for any period exceeding 30 days without first obtaining written approval from the Liquor Control Commissioner, then the liquor license for that business shall be null and void. The Liquor Control Commissioner may grant approval for a longer period of time only following submission of evidence of good cause for the cessation of operations. The Liquor Control Commissioner may establish a required date by which operation of the business, including the serving of liquor, shall resume.
(Ord. 11-1, passed 4-19-2011)