(A)   The village shall have, as standing committees, the following committees:
      (1)   Streets and alleys;
      (2)   Water and sewer;
      (3)   Buildings and grounds;
      (4)   Economic development;
      (5)   Finance and personnel;
      (6)   Zoning; and
      (7)   Public safety.
   (B)   Standing committees shall be comprised of such number of Village Trustees as the Village President may appoint, with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees. The Village President may, from time to time, appoint persons other than Village Trustees to standing committees, with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, although such persons shall not have voting rights within the committees, nor shall such persons have the ability to attend closed session meetings of the committee without the consent of a majority of the Trustees who are committee members in attendance at the committee meeting. The Village President shall be an ex officio member of all such committees, with the right to attend any portion of any committee meeting.
   (C)   Standing committees shall have the power and authority to review and suggest policy for the village on the topics under their review, for approval by the Village President or Village Board of Trustees, and shall have such other power and authority as the Village President or Village Board of Trustees shall delegate to the committees by ordinance or resolution. The corporate authorities of the village may, by ordinance or resolution, adopt such further policies or directives as may be deemed necessary or appropriate to further define the power and authority of any standing committee. It shall be the duty of the standing committees of the Board of Trustees to keep a close watch over the affairs of the departments of the village. They shall make reports and provide recommendations to the President and Board of Trustees. Each committee shall promptly and thoroughly investigate and report in writing upon all matters referred to it by the Board of Trustees or President and do and perform such other and further duties as the Board of Trustees may require by ordinance, resolution, or motion, or as the Village President shall direct. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Village President shall have primary supervisory authority and power of direction over village staff and village department heads and shall exercise daily authority over all village employees. Village staff and employees shall not, without the authorization of the President or Board of Trustees, refer matters to committees without the approval of the Village President, and no Trustee shall, without the authorization of the Village President or the approval of the Board of Trustees, provide direction to village employees.
   (D)   Standing committees shall have the power and authority to make recommendations to the corporate authorities of the village regarding the topics under their review. Such recommendations may be approved or rejected by vote of the corporate authorities of the village.
   (E)   Standing committees shall not, without further ordinance or resolution, have the authority to bind the village or the corporate authorities of the village. Any action which requires approval by the Board of Trustees or corporate authorities of the village may only be approved by such board or authority at a meeting thereof, unless the village shall adopt such further ordinance or resolution which delegates to any committee any discrete power. No action of a standing committee is official without approval by the Village Board of Trustees.
   (F)   Standing committees shall be treated as committees of the village and shall be subject to all applicable laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, the Open Meetings Act, being 5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.
   (G)   The Village President shall designate, from the ranks of each committee, a person to serve as Committee Chair; said Committee Chair shall designate a person to serve as Secretary. The Committee Chair shall be responsible for the orderly and professional conduct of committee meetings and for ensuring that all notices pertaining to such meetings are properly served and/or posted, and the secretary shall be responsible for keeping such minutes of such meetings as shall be required under applicable law.
   (H)   There shall be no compensation due to any person for serving on a standing committee of the village.
(Ord. 2009-O, passed - -2009)