§ 100.01 INTENT.
   (A)   The Common Council finds that excessive calls for service to problem areas or high activity areas place an undue burden on public safety resources, which may result in decreased public safety services being provided to other areas of the city.
   (B)   The regulations set forth in this chapter advance legitimate public purposes which are designed to protect the overall public health, safety and welfare of the city. They are further designed to help prevent and assist in abating repeat calls for service to the same commercial property or location, which may result in diminished public safety services being provided to other residents and areas of the city.
   (C)   While fees and penalties are authorized to be imposed and collected from the owner, commercial tenant, and/or operator of the property designated as a chronic violator, the intent of the city is to take a proactive, solutions-oriented approach to abating repeat calls for service to the same property or location prior to the property being designated as a chronic violator. All fines and fees imposed, if any, are intended to help cover costs incurred by the city which are over and above the cost of providing services to properties not designated as a chronic violator.
   (D)   The intent of this chapter is not to discourage calls to law enforcement. All individuals who believe they are a victim of a crime or all individuals needing emergency assistance are always encouraged to call 911. Instead, this chapter is intended to highlight certain properties or locations in which excessive calls for service are taking place, to collaborate with owners, commercial tenants, and/or operators to abate the issues taking place, and then to hold owners, commercial tenants, and/or operators accountable for failing to enter into or substantially comply with the remediation agreement as set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. 051523C, passed 6-19-23)