In addition to the fees specifically provided throughout ths Title XVII, the Health Department may charge fees, including applicable credit card service fees not to exceed 4% of the total fee charged, for the following services, unless otherwise prohibited by law.
   (A)   Schedule A: Vital Records Services.
Birth certificate
Death certificate*
Search fee (birth/death)
Home birth registration
Paternity affidavit
Paternity affidavit (copy)
* This charge includes a charge for the coroner's continuing education fee of $2.25 in accordance with IC 16-37-1-9.
   (B)   Schedule B: Personal Health Services.
Personal Health Services
Vaccine administration fee
$20 per vaccine
110% of cost rounded to nearest $
Clinician visits
At Medicare rate
Travel vaccine consultation
$60 plus 110% cost of vaccine rounded to nearest $
Nurse-only visit
CHW delivered health education
At Medicare rate
At Medicare rate
Send-Out Lab Services
At rate set by contracted lab
Other contracted lab services
At rate set by contracted lab
In-House Point-of-Care-Testing
Chronic disease testing (glucose and cholesterol)
TB skin test
Pregnancy, HIV, Syphilis and HCV testing
Blood lead testing
Rapid flu/COVID/RSV testing
At Medicare rate
Environmental Testing
Air quality monitoring
At cost
Lead testing (household items)
$5 per item
*A hardship policy may be adopted by the Fishers Health Department for the fees in Schedule B
   (C)   Schedule C: Private Water.
Well construction permit
Well pump replacement
Well water testing
At rate set by contracted lab
   (D)   Schedule D: Health Education, Promotion, and Training.
Educator fee (paid courses only)
Materials fee (paid courses only)
At cost
(Ord. 061520A, passed 7-20-20; Am. Ord. 101121B, passed 11-15-21; Am. Ord. 111824E, passed 11- 18-24)