(A)   On site personnel. Excavator shall have an employee and/or inspector(s) readily available at each excavation site that can effectively communicate with property owners, residents and city staff about excavator's excavation, construction and restoration activities.
   (B)   Restoration and complaints. 
      (1)   Within a reasonable amount of time, any property disturbed during the excavation shall be restored in as good or better condition than was its condition prior to the beginning of the excavation and in compliance with city standards.
      (2)   Borings shall be restored within three business days of the boring and shall be subject to an inspection by the city. Excavator shall give consideration to the amount of restoration needed with each boring and the boring shall be conducted in a manner which requires the least amount of restoration (i.e. using streets and sidewalks for equipment rather than lawns, etc.). Directly after any boring under any street, curb, or sidewalks, excavator shall inspect for any heaving that may have occurred from the boring process, advise the city of the damage and put on a high priority list to repair.
   (C)   Handholes, pedestals and flower pots. Handholes, pedestals, and flower pots shall be installed at grade (as applicable), level, and square with sidewalks, curbs, drives, and streets.
   (D)   Notification to property owners.
      (1)   Within a subdivision. 
         (a)   If excavator will be excavating within a subdivision, excavator shall notify each property owner that it will be entering the property no more than 30 days prior to entering the property for any excavation. Notice shall be sent via letters and yard darts stating at a minimum that:
            1.   Excavator will be on their property;
            2.   Dates of excavation;
            3.   What work will be completed on their property; and
            4.   Contact information for excavator.
         (b)   At the city's sole discretion, excavator may also be required to notify the homeowners' association (if one exists) of its presence within the neighborhood no more than 30 days prior to entering the neighborhood for any excavation. With the permission of the homeowners' association, excavator shall place signs at the entrances of neighborhoods stating that excavator will be doing work in the neighborhood. Proof of notifications shall be provided to the city upon request of the city.
      (2)   Outside a subdivision. If excavator will be entering onto property or excavating outside of a subdivision, excavator shall notify the adjacent property owner no more than 30 days prior to entering the property that:
         (a)   Excavator and/or its contractor will be in their area and on their property;
         (b)   Dates of excavation;
         (c)   What work will be completed on their property; and
         (d)   Contact information for excavator.
(Ord. 091619, passed 9-16-19)