(A)   The City Council hereby appoints and authorizes the City Controller to revise the Cash Change and Petty Cash Fund Schedule as he sees most appropriate at any time, but not to exceed $2,500 for any one till (cash box) or individual departmental fund.
   (B)   The amount for the petty cash funds as provided for by the City Controller shall be paid by warrant drawn on the appropriate fund in favor of the custodians and shall be returned to the appropriate fund when there is a change of custodian or when the fund is no longer needed.
   (C)   The custodian of the petty cash fund in each department shall continue to be the department head or designee, who shall use the fund to pay small or emergency items of operating expense. A receipt shall be provided for each expenditure from the fund.
   (D)   The amounts for the cash change funds as provided for by the City Controller shall be paid by warrant drawn on the appropriate fund in favor of the custodians and shall be returned to the appropriate fund when there is a change of custodian or when the fund is no longer needed.
   (E)   The custodian of the cash change fun in each department shall be the department head or designee, who shall use the fund to make change when collecting cash revenues. The custodian or designee shall account for the fund in the same manner as other funds.
(Ord. 021615A, passed 2-16-15; Am. Ord. 081715B, passed 8-17-15)