There is hereby established the Bridge Construction and Infrastructure Fund of the city. This Fund shall be a non-reverting fund and shall receive any and all sums collected pursuant to this subchapter to be utilized in connection with the purposes set forth herein. Said Fund shall consist initially of one account based upon the current existence of one Impact Zone. In the event, and only in the event, that an additional Impact Zone is created hereafter, a separate account shall be maintained for each separate Impact Zone established within the city. Interest earned on the Fund or on any account within the Fund shall be deposited and maintained within the Fund or the separate account. The Controller shall maintain records of the status of the Fund or any account which may be established therein and shall make an annual report of said Fund and accounts which shall be available to the public in general and fee payers, upon request, in particular. Pursuant to IC 36-7-4-1332(e), the Controller is designated as the city official responsible for acting upon refund requests. In order to facilitate refunds when they may be due, the Controller is directed to identify the purpose of any impact fee paid in order that a refund, if any, may be paid from the Fund or account into which the fee was originally deposited.
(Ord. 062110A, passed 6-21-10; Am. Ord. 091514A, passed 11-17-14)