The Board of Zoning Appeals is established and its membership maintained pursuant to IC 36-7-4-902. The Board of Zoning Appeals' jurisdiction applies exclusively to all land and land development within the corporate limits of the City of Fishers, Indiana and any land within Delaware Township pursuant to the previously adopted joinder agreement between Delaware Township and the city for the purposes of planning and zoning. A separate division of the Board of Zoning Appeals is hereby established and its membership maintained pursuant to IC 36-7-4-1210(B) and its jurisdiction applies exclusively to the contiguous unincorporated areas of Fall Creek Township within two miles of the city's corporate limits exclusive of that territory in Fall Creek Township which lies within the Noblesville annexation area pursuant to agreement between the City of Fishers and the City of Noblesville. The Board of Zoning Appeals and its division are responsible for those actions and duties set forth in the Unified Development Ordinance ("UDO") incorporated by reference under § 151.01 and pursuant to applicable Indiana state law.
(Ord. 110380, passed 11-3-80; Am. Ord. 010509C, passed 1-5-09; Am. Ord. 091514A, passed 11-17- 14)