Upon the failure or refusal of any person receiving a notice of violation of this chapter to appear as provided in this chapter and report to the Ordinance Violations Bureau or to compromise the violation if appearing, it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the City Court to report such fact to the Corporation Counsel or his or her designee and to the law enforcement officer who signed the notice to appear, and to furnish the Chief of Police with all necessary information to prepare a proper affidavit and complaint, together with the correct name and address of the violator, if known or ascertainable. Proceedings in the City Court against such violator shall thereupon be brought in the manner provided by statute or as hereafter may be provided and, upon conviction of the offense charged and in lieu of the sums prescribed by any such compromise, the penalties provided for general violations of this chapter may be assessed for each such offense, together with all court costs and fees.
(Ord. 071612, passed 10-15-12; Am. Ord.091514A, passed 11-17-14)