(A)   It shall be unlawful for an alarm user to operate, cause to be operated, or permit the operation of an alarm system unless a current alarm system permit has been obtained from the Fishers Police Department, provided, however, no permit shall be required for self-monitored alarm system in a residence if so equipped that any externally sounding alarm is automatically disconnected within five minutes after activation and emergency response personnel are not notified and dispatched to the residence. However, notwithstanding the above, if emergency response personnel are routinely notified and dispatched to a residence to investigate an activated alarm, an alarm permit shall be required.
   (B)   Any alarm user at the time this chapter becomes effective shall have 30 days after the effective date of the chapter to apply for an alarm system permit if one is required by this chapter. Any alarm activation which notifies emergency response personnel that occurs within 30 days after installation of a new alarm system shall be exempt.
   (C)   Alarm permit effective dates shall begin upon issuance, and each shall have a unique date of issue. This date shall be used to calculate false alarms defined under this chapter. If a permit is not on file, the Police Department shall use the date of first false alarm to calculate the number of false alarms within one year, however this does not exempt an alarm user from the alarm permit requirements of this chapter.
   (D)   An alarm user who violates this section shall be subject to the penalties for violating this chapter as set forth in § 111.99, unless an alarm permit is obtained within 30 days after receiving notification of the violation.
(Ord. 070589A, passed 7-5-89; Am. Ord. 010991A, passed 1-9-91; Am. Ord. 082117A, passed 8-21-17) Penalty, see § 111.99