It shall be Fishers’ policy that:
   (A)   S.P.O.R.T.S.’ member organizations and then affiliates shall have priority in scheduling athletic events on Fishers’ athletic fields.
   (B)   The Director of the Parks Department shall have the exclusive discretion and authority to schedule the use of Fishers’ athletic fields when such fields are not in use by S.P.O.R.T.S.’ member organizations or affiliates and appropriate fair and equitable rules shall be established for such scheduling by others including the determination of a reasonable fee for such use, if any. The final approval of the rental fee shall be made by the City Council as provided hereafter.
   (C)   Scheduling by the Director of the Parks Department shall not conflict with previously scheduled use by S.P.O.R.T.S.’ member organizations or affiliates which shall be entitled to priority but not exclusivity.
(Ord. 050714A, passed 5-7-14; Am. Ord. 091514A, passed 11-17-14)