An application will be considered complete and ready for processing only if it is submitted with the required form, includes all required information, and is accompanied by the required filing fee. The following steps will be taken in order to ensure completeness, an orderly review process, and placement on the agenda of the Planning Commission:
Planning Commission staff will make a determination of application completeness within seven (7) working days of the application deadline.
If an application is determined to be incomplete, Planning Commission staff will notify the applicant along with an explanation of the application's deficiencies. No further processing of the application will occur until the deficiencies are corrected within the timeframe stated in the notice.
      1.   Prior to Setting Meeting Agenda. Deficiencies corrected within the time frame stated in the notice will not affect that item's opportunity to be placed on the next city planning agenda.
      2.   Unresolved Prior to Setting Meeting Agenda. Applications with deficiencies requiring more time than stated in the notice will not be placed on the Planning Commission's agenda until such time as the required/requested information is received.
      3.   Unresolved within 60 Days. Deficiencies not corrected by the applicant within 60 days will cause the application to be considered withdrawn.
         (Ord. 2017-039. Passed 5-16-17.)