(a)   For the purpose of determining the public convenience and necessity for the issuing of taxicab licenses, there is hereby created a Taxicab License Board, consisting of the Director of Public Service-Safety, the Chief of Police and the Mayor.
(1979 Code 34.45)
   (b)   The Taxicab License Board shall investigate and hold a hearing for each application for license for each taxicab, and if the Board finds from such investigation and hearing that the public convenience and necessity justify the operation of the vehicle for which the license is desired, it shall notify the applicant of its findings, and the applicant, within thirty days thereafter, shall proceed to comply with the terms of this chapter.
   (c)   If the Board finds from such investigation and hearing that the public convenience and necessity do not justify the operating of such vehicle for which the license is desired, it shall notify the applicant of its findings. All decisions of the Board shall be final.
   (d)   All taxicabs licensed in accordance with the terms of this chapter, or which are licensed at the time the amendment is adopted, shall have their licenses renewed for each successive year without a finding of convenience and necessity by the Board, provided all other requirements of this chapter are complied with. All licensees shall be notified of each hearing, and shall have the right to file objections in writing to the issuance of additional licenses.
(1979 Code 113.02)