In construing the provisions of this chapter, "person" includes any individual, firm or corporation; the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter gender; the granting of a license shall not warrant or protect the licensee in the violation of any proper rule of any officer, department or board of the City, or ordinance or law of the State. For the purpose of this chapter, the act of the employee of the licensee shall be considered the act of the licensee. No license granted under this chapter shall in any manner be transferred; the licensee shall at all times on the request of any officers of the City, or any person directly interested, exhibit his license. All licenses in force at the time this chapter was passed shall be valid until, by the terms thereof, they expire. The Mayor shall issue to all licensees a written or printed certificate or license giving the date when issued, and when it expires, the name of the licensee, and the purpose for which the license is issued, and shall keep a record of the same in his office. All applications for licenses shall be in writing, and shall be under oath when required by the Mayor, and shall be made to the Mayor, who, when the applicant has complied with the provisions of this chapter, and has paid the necessary fee, shall issue licenses as herein provided.
(1979 Code 110.08)