For purposes of this chapter the following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them respectively.
   (a)   "All purpose vehicle" means any self-propelled vehicle designed primarily for cross-country travel on land and water, or on more than one type of terrain, and steered by wheels or caterpillar treads, or any combination thereof, including vehicles that operate on a cushion of air, vehicles commonly known as all-terrain vehicles, all season vehicles, mini-bikes and trail bikes. “All-purpose vehicle” does not include a utility vehicle as defined in Ohio R.C. 4501.01 or any vehicle principally used in playing golf, any motor vehicle or aircraft required to be registered under Ohio R.C. Chapter 4503 or Chapter 4561, and any vehicle excepted from definition as a motor vehicle by Section 301.20 of this Traffic Code.
(ORC 4519.01(B))
   (b)   "dB(A)" means a unit of sound pressure measurement as defined by the American National Standards Institute bulletin S 1.4-1971. One decibel or a db refers to a sound pressure of 0.002 microbars.
   (c)   "Motor vehicle" means any multiwheeled self-propelled vehicle designed or used for the purpose of moving the operator or passenger or any other cargo from one place to another, including busses, automobiles and all-purpose vehicles, but excluding railroad equipment and aircraft.
   (d)   "Operate" means the act of having the motor or engine of an all-purpose vehicle running, regardless of whether the vehicle is moving or being ridden.
   (e)   "Operator" means any person who operates or is in actual physical control of an all purpose vehicle.
   (f)   "Owner" means any person, firm or corporation, other than a lienholder or dealer, having title to an all purpose vehicle, or other right to the possession thereof.
   (g)   "Sound pressure level" means the sound pressure level, in decibels, of a sound is twenty times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the pressure of the sound to the reference sound pressure. Unless otherwise specified, the effective (RMS) pressure is to be understood.
   (h)   "Sound level meter" means an instrument standarized by the American National Standards Institute and used for the measurement of the intensity of sound, calibrated in decibles. Readings shall be made on a dB(A) scale.
      (1979 Code 79.01)