9-3-2: PURPOSE:
Condominium ownership differs in numerous respects from conventional building ownership. It is in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare that condominium projects be reviewed and approved by the City and appropriately regulated for the protection of the community, displaced tenants and prospective purchasers of condominium units. The procedures set forth herein are intended to recognize the unique characteristics of condominiums and condominium conversions. These procedures are adopted to provide a review process and a set of standards which will address these unique characteristics and to reduce any negative impacts upon the community, neighborhood areas, or prospective owners which may result from the creation of a condominium or from a condominium conversion. The procedure and requirements of this chapter shall apply to and govern the construction and conversion of condominium projects within the City. The provisions of this chapter shall supplement zoning, health, building or other ordinances which may be applicable to a particular condominium project, and shall apply to the approval of all condominium projects involving new construction as well as conversion of existing structures. (Ord. 02-04, 3-5-2002)