In pursuit of solutions to the problems previously identified and in order to objectively evaluate the City's progress in promoting water conservation, the following goals have been identified:
   A.   Reduce the city per capita indoor water use by two percent (2%) annually for the next five (5) years.
   B.   Use drought tolerant landscaping in city parks and around city buildings.
   C.   Encourage drought tolerant landscaping in residential areas by reviewing current ordinances and making revisions to promote water conservation.
   D.   Educate citizens on indoor and outdoor water conservation by providing continued information in city newsletters and on the city website.
   E.   Investigate and consider adopting an inclining block rate, encouraging citizens to conserve through increased rates for water used in excess of a reasonable amount.
   F.   Partner with local agencies, the Ferron Canal and Reservoir Company, the BLM, and the Castle Valley Special Service District to initiate the removal of sediment from the Reservoir, replace infrastructure and to develop new infrastructure in increasing water storage. (Res. 2013-9, 12-12-2013)