Ferron City currently implements the following water conservation measures and procedures:
   A.   Secondary water system. Secondary water (pressurized irrigation water) is supplied to residents of Ferron City from April to October, for outside watering of lawns and gardens. The use of secondary water conserves on culinary water but is not to be perceived as an opportunity of unrestrained use of water.
   B.   Public Awareness. Ferron City provides water conservation tips and updates on the secondary water usage in the newsletter that is delivered to each resident on a monthly basis. During short water years additional information has been posted weekly at the City Hall and Post Office.
   C.   Water System Maintenance. Ferron City recently installed a culinary meter system that allows the city to read meters each month of the year. This system has the ability to detect and log areas that appear to have leaks. This information is provided immediately to users so that leaks can be fixed in a timely manner.
   D.   Waste Prohibiting Ordinance. Ferron City Ordinance 8-1-16 prohibits wasting water and discourages practices that allow water to be wasted such as watering with an open hose, washing vehicles and allowing sprinklers to spray so that water is running down the curb. Furthermore, the city ordinance supports the states suggested regulations of no watering between the hours of ten o’clock (10:00) a.m. and six o’clock (6:00) p.m. (Res. 2013-9, 12-12-2013)