A.   The Ferron City Council and Planning Commission have determined that it is in the public’s best interest to allow an electronic meeting to take place.
   B.   The Ferron City Council wishes to adopt standards and procedures for electronic meetings under limited circumstances.
   C.   Definitions: For the purpose of this resolution, the following definition shall apply:
      ANCHOR LOCATION: The physical location from which an electronic meeting originates or the participants are connected.
      CITY: City of Ferron.
      CITY STAFF: Those employees of Ferron City that carry out the functions of noticing, organizing, and setting up meetings for the City Council and Planning Commission.
      ELECTRONIC MEETING: A public meeting convened or conducted by means of a conference using electronic communications.
      GOVERNING BODY: The Ferron City Council and/or the Planning Commission.
      MONITOR: To hear or observe, live, by audio or video equipment, all of the public statements of each member of the Governing Body who is participating in a meeting.
      PARTICIPATE: The ability to communicate with all of the members of the Governing Board, either verbally or electronically, so that each member of the Governing Board can hear or observe the communication.
   B.   Electronic Meeting Requirements: No meeting of the Governing Body may be convened and held as an electronic meeting except on the following conditions:
      1.   A request for an electronic meeting has been made by a member of the Governing Body at least two (2) days prior to the date of the meeting to allow for arrangements to be made for the electronic meeting; and
      2.   Notice of the electronic meeting has been given as provided herein.
   C.   Notice of Electronic Meetings: City Staff, upon receiving a request from a member of the Governing Body for a meeting to be convened as an electronic meeting, shall make sure that City Staff gives public notice of the meeting as required by Utah Code section 52-4-202 of the Utah Open and Public Meetings Act; and post written notice at the anchor location for the meeting. City Staff shall in addition to giving the public notice required by Utah Code section 52-4-202, provide notice of the electronic meeting to the members of the Governing Body at least twenty-four (24) hours before the meeting so that they may participate in and be counted as present for all purposes, including the determination that a quorum is present. The notice to the members of the Governing Body shall give a description of how the members will be connected to the electronic meeting. (Res. 2020-3, 3-18-2020)