This Title shall be known as, and shall be entitled THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF FERRON CITY, UTAH, and may be so cited and pleaded. It is the intent and purpose of the City Council to promote the health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity and general welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the City by guiding development within the City in accordance with a Comprehensive Plan which has been designed:
   A.   To encourage and facilitate orderly growth and development in the area.
   B.   To promote safety from fires, floods, traffic hazards and other dangers.
   C.   To promote sanitation and health of the inhabitants.
   D.   To discourage undue scattering of population and unnecessary expenditures of the monies for excessive streets, water and sewer lines and other public requirements.
   E.   To stabilize and improve property values.
   F.   To protect the residents from objectionable noise, odor, dust, fumes and other deleterious substances or conditions.
   G.   To promote a more attractive and wholesome environment. It is also the intent and purpose of the City Council that the regulations and restrictions as set forth in this Title shall be so interpreted and construed as to further the purposes of this Title. (Ord. 4-8-86, 4-8-1986)