A.   Business License Required: No person shall engage in the installation, alteration, repair or construction of any electrical work, wiring, fixtures, appliances or equipment inside or outside of any building, except work done for or on the property of the City, without first securing a business license and paying the fee therefor as provided in Section 9-2-4 of this Chapter. (1979 Code § 9-551)
   B.   Notification To Building Inspector: It shall be unlawful for any person to do or cause to be done any electrical wiring or other electrical installation in a building or structure within the City without first notifying the Building Inspector of the kind and nature of such electric wiring or other electrical installation and the location of the building or structure in which the same is to be installed. (1979 Code § 9-552)
   C.   Subject To Supervision And Inspection: All electric wiring or other electrical installations shall be subject to supervision and inspection by the Building Inspector. It shall be unlawful for any person to do or cause to be done any electrical wiring or electrical installations without first obtaining the permit required by Section 9-2-3 of this Chapter. (1979 Code § 9-553)
   D.   Unlawful Installation:
      1.   Disconnection; Seal: If the Building Inspector shall find any part of any electric light or power wiring, appliances, apparatus or fixtures in or upon any building in the City to have been installed without permit, or installed not in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code or to be dangerous to life or property, the Inspector shall have the right and power to disconnect such defective work, fixtures, appliances or apparatus and place a seal upon the same, and shall at the same time give written notice of such disconnection to the owner or occupant of the building.
      2.   Removal Of Seal: After such disconnected wiring, fixtures, appliances or apparatus have been put in the condition required by this Chapter, the seal so placed shall be removed by order of the Inspector. (1979 Code § 9-554)