(A)   Introduction. The information required in this section will be used by the City Council to determine whether or not it is in the best interest of the city to offer tax abatement to a particular applicant. The applicant should endeavor to provide the most accurate information and estimates possible based upon available information. The applicant may be requested by the city to describe the methodologies utilized to respond to the questions and to supply supporting documentation.
   (B)   Employment impact. The applicant must provide detailed information providing answers to the following inquiries:
      (1)   How many new, temporary and/or part-time jobs will be created in the city? How many temporary and/or part-time jobs will be retained in the city?
      (2)   What is the estimated number of permanent, full-time jobs that will be created in the city? What is the estimated number of permanent, full-time jobs that will be retained in the city?
      (3)   What percentage of new employees will:
         (a)   Come from within the city; and
         (b)   From outside the city?
      (4)   What types of jobs will be created? What will be the average pay scale for each category of jobs created?
      (5)   What will be the total projected annual payroll of the newly created jobs? What will be the total projected annual payroll of the retained jobs?
      (6)   What type of specialized training will be required? How will such training be provided?
      (7)   What is the estimated multiplier effect on the city's economy?
   (C)   Proposed improvements. The applicant must provide detailed information providing answers to the following inquiries:
      (1)   Identify and describe the kind, number and location of all proposed real property improvements and/or personal property and discuss the development schedule of the proposed improvements and/or additions.
      (2)   To what extent, if any, will additional public improvements be needed? Detail the plans, if any, in existence for the provision of such improvements?
      (3)   What governmental approvals or permits will be required for the improvements?
      (4)   Is the financial capital required to complete this project already available (such as financing commitments, reserved funds, and the like)? Explain in detail.
   (D)   Fiscal impact. The applicant must provide detailed information providing answers to the following inquiries:
      (1)   What is the estimated cost of the proposed real property improvements and/or personal property additions?
      (2)   How much real or personal property value will be added to the tax roll by the end of the abatement period?
      (3)   How much direct sales tax will be generated?
      (4)   What is the proposed depreciation schedule for real or personal property to be abated?
   (E)   Community impact. The applicant must provide detailed information providing answers to the following inquiries:
      (1)   What effect (approximately) will the proposed project have on the local housing market?
      (2)   What environmental impact, if any, will be created by the project?
      (3)   What will be the estimated fiscal impact on the local school districts?
      (4)   What support services or products, if any, will the applicant be procuring from the local community in the construction of improvements or additions of personal property, and with regard to its operation?
   (F)   A legal description of any subject real property must be supplied to the city by the applicant.
   (G)   Pursuant to the Tex. Property Tax Code, § 312.003, V.A.C.S., information submitted in the application process is confidential, and not subject to public disclosure until the tax abatement agreement is executed.
(Ord. 641, passed 11-20-2006; Am. Ord. 715, passed 4-18-2011)