(A)   The City Manager shall appoint a clerk of the municipal court of record who shall be known as the “Municipal Court Clerk.” The municipal court clerk may hire, direct, and remove the personnel authorized in the city’s annual budget for the clerk’s office, including court support personnel and marshals, as may be necessary or appropriate, in accordance with the ordinances, policies, and procedures of the city and subject to the final approval of the City Manager.
   (B)   The municipal court clerk or the clerk’s deputies shall keep the records of the municipal court of record, issue process, and generally perform the duties for the court that a clerk of the county court as law exercising criminal jurisdiction is required by law to perform for that court. The clerk shall perform the duties in accordance with state law and city ordinances.
   (C)   The municipal court clerk shall further:
      (1)   Prepare and maintain accurate dockets and minutes for each municipal court of record created under this chapter;
      (2)   Maintain custody of all documents and papers relating to the business of the municipal court;
      (3)   Supervise the collection of fines, fees and costs imposed by the municipal court;
      (4)   Maintain complaints for all cases in the municipal court for which a complaint is required by law;
      (5)   Have all other powers and duties assigned to the municipal court clerk by city ordinance, Tex. Govt. Code Chapter 30, and the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas;
      (6)   Be responsible for the full and proper accounting of all fines, fees, and costs collected, and issue a receipt to any person who pays a fine, fee or cost with cash money;
      (7)   Preserve the records of the municipal court in accordance with any city records retention schedule; and
      (8)   Appoint a court reporter who shall meet the qualifications provided by law for official court reporters.
(Ord. O-15-801, passed 8-17-2015)