(A)   Purpose. The R-2, One- and Two-Family Residence District, is intended to provide a district which will allow for single- and double-family dwelling development in those areas where the development fits the land use development plan and where municipal utilities are available.
   (B)   Permitted uses. Within an R-2, Residence District, no building or land shall be used, except for one or more of the following uses:
      (1)   Any use permitted in the division of the R-1, One-Family Residence District, as regulated therein; and
      (2)   Two-family dwellings.
   (C)   Uses by conditional use permit. Within an R-2, Residence District, no building or land shall be used for one or more of the following uses, except by conditional use permit:
      (1)   Any use permitted in § 154.031(C) of this chapter of the R-1, One-Family Residence District, as regulated therein;
      (2)   If, prior to 9-1-1977, the use has been a public or private school, a church or other church purpose (excluding a parish house), a city, state or federal government purpose, a hospital, a nursing home, a medical clinic or a small retail or grocery store, it may be remodeled and allowed as a conditional use if it meets the restrictions of this division (C). The conditional uses may be professional offices and offices of a general nature including, but not limited to, doctors, dentists, lawyers, architects, engineers, accountants, insurance, real estate, government and non-profit organizations. Uses which cannot be allowed are retail sales, wholesale sales or warehousing. The building to be so remodeled and used must retain at least 60% of the exterior structure of the original building;
      (3)   The erection of a two-family dwelling or the conversion of a single-family dwelling to a two-family dwelling on a lot of record existing at the effective date of this division (C)(3); provided, the lot is not less than 6,000 square feet in area and 50 feet in width and 120 feet in depth; and
      (4)   The conversion of an existing one- or two-family dwelling to a three-family dwelling on a lot of record existing at the effective date of this division (C); provided, the lot has at least 3,000 square feet in area for each dwelling unit, and the buildings plus required parking do not occupy more than 35% of the lot area.
   (D)   Permitted accessory uses. Within an R-2, Residence District, the following uses shall be permitted accessory uses:
      (1)   Any use permitted in division (D) of the R-1, One-Family Residence District, as regulated therein; and
      (2)   Accessory uses customarily incident to the uses permitted in divisions (B) and (C) above.
   (E)   Height, yard, area, lot width and depth regulations.
      (1)   Height regulations. No building hereafter erected or altered shall exceed three stories or 30 feet in height.
      (2)   Width and depth regulations. A single-family dwelling shall have a width of not less than 20 feet at the front setback line and a depth of not less than 20 feet.
      (3)   Front yard regulations.
         (a)   There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 30 feet unless 30% or more of the frontage on the same side of the street between two intersecting streets is improved with buildings that have observed a greater or less depth of front yard in which instance no new building or portion thereof shall project beyond a straight line drawn between the front building line of the residence upon either side of the proposed structure or, if there be residences upon only one side, then beyond a line determined by the average setback of residences in that block.
         (b)   There shall be a front yard of not less than 35 feet on a lot or plot that abuts a thoroughfare as shown on the adopted city thoroughfare plan.
         (c)   Where a lot is located at the intersection of two or more streets, there shall be a front yard on each street side of each corner lot. No accessory buildings shall project into the front yard bordering either street.
         (d)   Whenever there is a lot of record existing at the effective date of this chapter, the front yard on the side street of a corner lot may be reduced to a width of not less than 25% of the lesser frontage of the lot. A setback in excess of that specified in divisions (E)(3)(b) and (E)(3)(c) above will not be required.
      (4)   Side yard regulations. There shall be a side yard, on each side of a building, having a width of not less than five feet.
      (5)   Rear yard regulations. There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than 20% of the depth of the lot.
      (6)   Lot area requirements.
         (a)   A lot on which there is erected a single-family dwelling shall have an area of not less than 6,000 square feet.
         (b)   A lot on which there is erected a two-family dwelling shall have an area of not less than 9,000 square feet.
      (7)   Lot width and depth regulations.
         (a)   A lot on which there is erected a single-family dwelling shall have a minimum width of not less than 50 feet at the building setback line, and a minimum depth of not less than 120 feet.
         (b)   A lot on which there is erected a two-family dwelling shall have a minimum width of not less than 75 feet at the building setback line, and a minimum depth of not less than 120 feet.
   (F)   General regulations. Additional regulations in the R-2 District are set forth in §§ 154.060 through 154.074, 154.085 through 154.101, 154.170 through 154.177 and 154.190 through 154.204 of this chapter.
(2002 Code, § 7.12) (Ord. 324, effective 11-20-1965; Ord. 51, Third Series, effective 2-1-1981; Ord. 71, Third Series, effective 8-15-1982; Ord. 117, Third Series, effective 4-10-1985; Ord. 79, Sixth Series, effective 1-7-2008)