Construction operations must at a minimum comply with any applicable federal or state permit and SWPPP in addition to the following best management practices.
(A) Site dewatering. Water pumped from the site shall be treated by temporary sedimentation basins, grit chambers, sand filters, upflow chambers, hydro-cyclones, soil concentrators or other appropriate controls as deemed necessary. Water may not be discharged in a manner that causes erosion, sedimentation or flooding on the site, on downstream properties, in the receiving channels or in any wetland.
(B) Waste and material disposal. All waste and unused building materials (including garbage, debris, cleaning wastes, wastewater, petroleum based products, paints, toxic materials or other hazardous materials) shall be properly disposed of off-site and shall not be allowed to be carried by runoff into a receiving channel, storm sewer system or wetland.
(C) Tracking management. Each site shall have roads, access drives and parking areas of sufficient width, length and surfacing to minimize sediment from being tracked onto public or private roadways. Any material deposited by vehicles or other construction equipment onto a public or private road shall be removed (not by flushing) before the end of each day’s work.
(D) Water quality protection. The construction contractor, including the general contractor and all subcontractors, shall be required to control oil and fuel spills and chemical discharges to prevent the spills or discharges from entering any watercourse, sump, sewer system, waterbody or wetland.
(E) Site erosion and sedimentation control. Construction operations must include erosion and sedimentation control measures meeting accepted design criteria, standards and specifications contained in the Minnesota Storm Water Manual or other standards determined by the City Engineer.
(F) Water quantity. The construction contractor, including the general contractor and all subcontractors, shall be required to minimize the volume of surface water runoff which flows from any specific site during development. This volume is not to exceed the pre-development hydrologic regime to the maximum extent practicable.
(G) Temporary sediment basins. Where ten or more acres of disturbed soil drain to a common location, the permittee(s) must provide a temporary sediment basin to provide treatment to the runoff before it leaves the construction site or enters surface waters. A temporary sediment basin may be converted to a permanent basin after construction is complete. The temporary basin is no longer required when permanent cover has reduced the acreage of disturbed soil to less than ten acres draining to a common location. The permittee(s) is/are encouraged, but not required, to install temporary sediment basins where appropriate in areas with steep slopes or highly erodible soils even if less than ten acres drains to one area. The basins must be designed and constructed according to the state’s NPDES general permit requirements.
(H) Mitigation provisions. Construction must meet all of the state’s NPDES general permit requirements.
(2002 Code, § 3.94) (Ord. 109, Sixth Series, effective 6-25-2009; Ord. 24, Seventh Series, effective 5-23-2015)