Ord. No. | Series | Date Passed | Description
Ord. No. | Series | Date Passed | Description
9 | First | 9-27-1883 | Establishing alley in Block 34 |
225 | First | 6-23-1958 | Sewage disposal plant emergency |
227 | First | 12-15-1958 | Public library improvement |
238 | First | 6-15-1959 | Water purification plant improvement |
83 | Sixth | 3-30-2008 | Ninety-day moratorium on construction of wind energy conversion systems |
113 | Sixth | 11-9-2009 | Ninety-day study period and moratorium on the installation of electronic changeable copy, electronic graphic display and video display signs and billboards and permits for same |
20 | Seventh | 2-21-2015 | Ninety-day moratorium on construction, erection, placement, reconstruction, enlargement or expansion of ground-mounted solar energy systems and development and use of property for such purposes |
22 | Seventh | 4-25-2015 | Ninety-day moratorium on construction of billboards on city owned property zoned as a B-6 Shopping Center Business District or within 800 feet thereof |
34 | Seventh | 9-30-2015 | Ninety-day moratorium to suspend enforcement of § 95.06 of this code of ordinances relating to height of grass and weeds within the city to conduct further study |
61 | Seventh | 9-14-2017 | Ninety-day moratorium on special assessment procedures pursuant to M.S. Ch. 429, as it may be amended from time to time |
89 | Seventh | 8-5-2019 | Changing the name of Amy Court to Anna Court |